Brachychiton acerifolius, known as the Illawarra Flame Tree, is renowned for its spectacular display of vivid red flowers that cover the tree when it is leafless, creating a stark and stunning contrast against the landscape. This Australian native is an excellent choice for those looking to make a bold statement in their garden or urban space.
Evergreen or Deciduous: Deciduous
Mature Height (meters): Typically grows to about 15-20 metres.
Mature Width (meters): Can spread to approximately 10-15 metres.
Spacing: Plant at least 10 metres apart from other trees or structures to ensure adequate room for its expansive canopy.
Foliage: Features large, glossy green leaves that drop just before it flowers, highlighting its vibrant blooms.
Flowering Period: Produces brilliant, bell-shaped red flowers primarily during late spring and early summer, though it can occasionally bloom sporadically throughout the year.
Fruit: Develops large, boat-shaped seed pods that are interesting in their own right and persist on the tree even after the leaves have fallen.
Form/Habit: Has a broad, domed shape with a robust trunk and a spreading canopy that provides excellent shade.
Uses: Ideal as a specimen tree for large gardens and public parks due to its dramatic floral display and attractive foliage. It can also be used to line avenues or integrated into large-scale landscaping projects for visual impact.
Sun: Prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade.
Maintenance: Low maintenance; occasional pruning may be necessary to maintain shape and remove any dead or damaged branches.
Water Requirement: Moderate; drought-resistant once established, though it appreciates occasional deep watering during extended dry periods.
The Illawarra Flame Tree is not only a stunning ornamental tree but also an excellent choice for adding a splash of colour and drama to any setting, especially when planted in locations where its flowering can be fully appreciated.